The meme for Kreativ blogger is here. The other two wonderful awards has a tag attached :) so here I go.....sorry abt the alignment :(
What is your current obsession?
Eating Healthy
What are you wearing today?
T-shirt and trousers
What's for dinner?
Roti, double beans sabzi.
What’s the last thing you bought?
What are you listening to right now?
Kailash Kher's song - Saiyyan
What do you think about the person who tagged you?
Hari Chandana is one of the youngest food bloggers I’ve known. She’s very enthusiastic and has shared some authentic recipes. She’s an amazing artist too. As a person she seems to have an aura of happiness :)
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
What are your must-have pieces for summer?
Cotton Tees, Jeans, cotton chudidars, facial wet tissues, hankies
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Dehradun/ Mussorie/Darjeeling/ Mount.Abu/Shimla….. Himalayas
Which language do you want to learn?
Would sound weird ;) I have this fascination to communicate with animals and birds :)
What’s your favourite quote?
I’m not sure if it’s a quote ….these are the magical lines which keeps me going :)
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cant change;
The courage to change the things I can…And
The Wisdom to know the difference.
Who do you want to meet right now?
Guruji Shri Shri Ravi Shankar
What is your favourite colour?
BLUE, pink, yellow, maroon.
What is your favourite piece of clothing in your own closet?
Jeans, all T-shirts
What is your dream job?
Would like to render service to an animal rescue centre and old age home
What’s your favourite magazine?
Good Housekeeping, Prevention, Femina
If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on?
At the moment nothing ;)
What do you consider a fashion faux pas? (Faux pas mean error in etiquette.. )
Bindi with jeans/trousers
Not being comfortable in what u r wearing
Who are your style icons?
Describe your personal style?
What are your favourite movies?
Jab We Met, Life is Beautiful, Sound of Music, Jungle book, Sherk
What are three cosmetic/makeup/perfume products that you can't live without?
Kajal/Perfumes/chap stick
What inspires you?
Compassion, Prayers.
What do you try to cook when you have cooking blues (When you feel real lazy to cook some thing)?
I prepare vegetable khichdi :) It’s as simple as fill it (cooker), shut it forget it ;)
Give us three styling tips that always work for you:
Keep it Simple
Mix and Match
On a ‘Bad hair day’ lightly oil your hair or apply combing serum and tie it up
What do you do when you “have nothing to wear” (even though your closet’s packed)?
Never faced this situation ;)
Coffee or tea?
I love tea at any given time of the day. I dont mind coffee too.
What do you do when you are feeling low or terribly depressed?
Read, Listen to music, watch cartoon shows :), call up family/friends
What is the meaning of your name?
Suparna is another name of Goddess Parvati. It is also the name of Lord Vishnu himself. It is one of the many names given to Lord Vishnu’s divine Vehicle Garuda, the eagle. Suparna also means leaf.
Which other blogs you love visiting?
I love visiting all the blogs
Favorite Dessert/Sweet?
Favorite Season ?
Rainy season.
Respond and rework – answer the questions on your own blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, and add one more question of your own. Then tag eight or ten other people.
I am replacing the "Tea or Coffee?" to "What Kitchen gadget would you like to own? Which is the one gadget/utentsil without which you just can’t work?
I would like pass on the awards and tag to:
Sushma Mallya
Nithya Praveen
Please accept these awards ladies :) and keep the chain going :)
Hey Suparna, congratulations on all the awards, you deserve more dear :)
Sweet of you to share the award with me :) loved reading your tag :) heheheh i too prepare khichdi when m too tired , dump in all the veggies and you have simple and delicious meal ready in mins :) Oh i love JWM too, can watch n number of times :)
nice to know more and more about you Suparna!!
Congratulations on your Award! Was lovely reading about you - I can know one thing from your tag that you are an Animal Lover :-) And thanks a lot for passing on the award to me too - You are such a sweetheart :-) I have to post the me-me soon, Keep having fun!
Hey, congrats on the awards and thanks for thinking of me to pass them on to :) Liked your meme as well
Congrats Suparna! And that was a real good meme!
Congrats suparna and thanks for passing me really made my day:) and was very happy to know u more ...really love to have so many blogger friends around me :)
I was virtually running here to read your tag..Really love to read more about you sups..jus dont know the vibes..magnetic..
loved your tag..awesome person you are sups..You are earthsign ?
Congrats on your three awards..cheers and hugs,ann
Congrats on ur award. U are such a sweet person and u deserve more. Pls give me a week , I will make a post for accepting all ur awards. Just now announced an event and sitting back..he he... Enjoyed reading the QA part:) Animal language...cute answer.
Service for animals and old age home is in my mind too..same pinch.
Best wishes for ur dreams to come true in every aspect.
congrats on ur well deserved awards and ur tag is very interesting..Iam not sure how iam going to write..Thanks for remembering and passing it to me dear..Btw i have posted ur tomato santosh in my blog under T&T..please check it :)
Parita-Thanks, he he ..same pinch on the khichdi making ;)JWM for me is a mood brightener :)
Hey AD, these memesn tags really seem to get the foodie circle more closer :)Thanks
Sri-Thanks Ya I love animals of all kinds but wonder why god created lizards and creepies and crawlies :)
Oh yeah am waiting for ur meme very eagerly :)
Vani- The pleasure is all mine, u deserve the award.Continue to inspire many like me :)Congrats!
hey Ria,
Thanks sweetie, glad u enjoyed the read :)
Sushma- Thanks dear :)we all love u for u are a wonderful friend too!:)Congrats
LLLLLol, I too am doing the same thing these days virtually running to the friends' blogs to read the meme...oh!Ann am loving it, it's wwwwwwwwonderful to know each one on the personal front :)u've been so nice and have lots of kind words for me :) Thanks a lot it's a great encouragement!! love u for that!my zodiac is Aries and I am a fire sign :)
Thanks so much Ann :)God Bless
Thanks a lot viki, your wishes mean a lot of encouragement :)so sweet to know we have a few things in common :) Oh and the animal communcation one is something I am really crazy about and I love the movie Dr. Dolittle for the same reason :)
Take ur time dear post the meme at ur leisure, and will check out ur post right away for the them for the new event!!
Chitra- Congratulation u are doing a fantastic job at ur blog u deserve the awards, and dont worry about how u write..u'll do fine :) am waiting to read ur answers dear :)oh! t&t my recipe thanks and am glad u liked.Thanks
Congrats on your award and Thanks for passing it on to me!It was really sweet of you to do that!Nice to know more about you esp the interesting answer of the animal lingo.I am quite opp..I dread any kind of animal:((
Funnily, when I got your award, I just finished listening to Kailash Kher's song-Teri Deewani:D
Enjoy the award and I should post Meme in the next few days may be on Tuesday..Hope that's okay!
So shri that's quite a contrast btn us on the animal lover part.. lol, Kailash kher sings just so heavenly :) and teri deewani is a beautiful song :P Thanks and congrats to u too. As for putting up the meme..do it at ur leisure dear :)oh...am waiting to read ur meme post :D
hey suparna, congrats on winning so many awards dear!!!
Really enjoyed reading ur MEME,Animal and bird language...uhhem....u r really unique:)
Thanks for thinking about me :) I will do in one of my recent coming post:)
Congrats on your awards gal
OMG!! You are really a sweet person, I love that you want to communicate to Animals:P Me too dear~
It was really interesting to read about you!
congratulations on your awards suparna.. :-)nice reading your answers too.. i totally agree with you reg bindi with jeans-shirt..
Congratulations on all your well deserved awards Suparna....enjoyed reading your meme and getting to know more about you. Thanks so much for thinking of me and sharing the awards with me :-)
Congrats and Thanx for passing ti on to me. Means alot. and Liked reading abt u:)
Congrats on your award and nice to know more about you.
Congrats on ur well deserver award Suparna!!!
Wishing to get more&more!!!
Hey Suparna, Congrats on the awards! Thanks for thinking of me dear:) saw ur message on my blog just now and came here. It was nice reading more about you
Thanx a lot suprana,was busy since few days,so no blogging.Congrats on the well deserve award and thanx for giving me the award,will take up tag shortly
Congrats on the awards Suparna....you deserve it :) Loved to know more about you. I just brought Jab we met from the library :) I have never been to Dehradun but loved Simla....it has such an old world charm and feel na?
You have a nice blog with good recipes. You can visit my blog view my recipes and give ur comments.
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